The London Marathon took place on Sunday, raising funds for UK charities and raising the fitness levels of the hundreds of participants. This includes fundraising for Myositis UK.
We are proud to be supporting Paul Evans, the son of one of NX’s experienced delivery drivers. Paul has been fundraising for Myositis UK, and The NX Group has helped raise awareness and funds for this little-known disease. So far he’s managed to raise £7,740! (28/04/2016)
Paul’s experience with Myositis began in childhood when severely weakened muscles affected his ability to do the activities that come as second nature to most 9 year olds. Specialists at Hammersmith Hospital diagnosed Paul with Juvenile Dermatomyositis, a condition which involves blood vessels being weakened by the body’s immune system; the very structure in the body that is meant to heal and protect organs and blood.
After making a full recovery, Paul felt he had to make a commitment to help Myositis UK continue to provide advice and support for sufferers of this condition. When NX heard from Paul’s father about his fundraising efforts, we felt we had to get involved and help out with the cause. Myositis UK is a small charity that campaigns for one of the least-known conditions suffered by children in the UK. They rely on organisations throughout the country to help raise awareness, host events and raise the profile of the charity. If Paul’s story has inspired you then please see how you can get involved and help this great cause. Often, it is the more well-known charities that get huge amounts of donations, whereas lesser-known causes struggle to raise funds.
Paul has raised nearly 4 times the £2000 target he set for this year’s fundraising. NX would like to point you in the direction of his Just Giving page, where you can still make donations whilst his body recovers from the big race.